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Products are gradually online,we have all the models, welcome to consult us!


What is my assurance?

* We order directly from the factory, 100% new and authentic, original packaging, we can provide inspection reports if necessary.

* For product quality warranty, we’re the authorized agent, if there are product problems, we will return to the factory for analysis and solution directly , don’t worry about this.

* For the trade assurance, we have store on ALIBABA, the platform will also give you trade assurance,if you want you can place order on it.

Where can I find out the price?

* We have tiered prices according to the quantity ordered, so just press “CONTACT US” button, we will send you an updated price list.

Can I just buy a few pieces to try?

* If we have stock, we can offer free sample to you. 
* If we don’t have stock, after you provide necessary information we will request sample from factory for you, some may require the sample fee. 
Once you buy back, we will refund the shipping cost and sample fee to you.

Can You Supply The Relevant Documentation?

* Yes, we can provide most documentation including Certificates of Analysis / Conformance; Insurance; and other export documents where required.

What Kinds Of Payment Methods Do You Accept?

* We can accept almost all payment methods, for example PayPal, T/T, UnionPay, VISA and so on.